ImageChef Custom Images


同事买的 “Lim Kim”

同事买了一粒超大的“Lim Kim”,EEeeermmm... 我不懂是什么东东...

:: “Lem Kim”

一般的“Lim Kim”大小就大概像一粒的橙子吧... 这粒大概两公斤重... (我没有印象) 里面的果实类似红毛榴莲...

:: 看起来好像一串的香蕉... o.O" 又好像榴莲... 奇怪的水果...

:: 比我的脸还大... @.@"

5 条评论:

匿名 说...

cant see the difference... really big mei??? i dun think so la..

YuKi 说...

ya... its big...

匿名 说...

is a buddha fruit, the size is about the apple. form this photo wont feel any difference.

匿名 说...

Wow@-- That really big!! good comparation!!!

YuKi 说...

ya... its very big after i saw the normal "Lim Kim"... amazing...